Dawkins and McGrath
McGrath has written two direct critiques of Dawkins, including the more recent "The Dawkins Delusion?" in response to the latter's own "The God Delusion."
We promote rational individualism, and are opposed to those who assert incoherent supernatural claims.
Set to open on May 28, 2007, at its location in northern Kentucky 2 exits west of the Cincinnati Airport, this $27 million “walk through history” museum will counter evolutionary natural history museums that turn minds against Scripture – and Jesus Christ, the Creator of the universe.I cannot imagine a more inaccurate educational travesty, nor a more insulting parody of the scientific process.
The museum's striking exhibits demonstrate to guests that the Bible is the “true history book of the universe” as they take a time journey through a visual presentation of the “Seven C’s of History” according to Scripture: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross and Consummation.
Although it will do no practical good, I signed the petition. I think that this petition holds symbolic importance. I encourage all atheists and theists alike to sign the petition to free Kent Hovind. Let's not make political prisoners out of evangelists, whatever they are evangelizing.
Another update on the Guillermo Gonzalez situation from the Discovery Institute:
The Center for Science & CultureNow, I'm not sure why 1 and 2 are supposed to be a problem- it's well known that Intelligent Design is considered unscientific by professional scientific bodies like the AAAS and the NAS. Any university would be foolish to disregard that kind of opinion. Number 3 just shows that not everyone can get tenure- a fact of academics. Maybe Gonzalez just isn't that lucky. Number 4 might not be a "stated criterion," but it's pretty important anyway- this is academics, after all, and Mike Dunford explains why. And number 5 just makes me want to pull out the world's smallest violin- suddenly, having colleagues disagree with you constitutes a "hostile work environment?" How thin-skinned are these people, anyway? Mike Behe certainly didn't seem this touchy when he was questioned at the Darwin vs. Design conference.
Following the evidence where it leads
Key Developments in Gonzalez Tenure Denial Case, May 14-21
Action Item: Help Guillermo Gonzalez in his fight for academic freedom. Contact ISU President Gregory L. Geoffroy at (515) 294-2042 or email him at president@iastate.edu and let him know that you support academic freedom for Dr. Gonzalez to follow the evidence wherever it leads.
The big story this week was the denial of tenure to widely-published pro-ID astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez at Iowa State University, despite the fact that he exceeded by 350% his department’s standard for research excellence in peer-reviewed publications. A quick recap of the key developments in the case:
- Two tenured professors in Gonzalez’s department publicly admitted that his work on intelligent design played a role in his tenure denial.
- Two additional faculty members in Gonzalez’s department were found to be connected to a national statement denouncing intelligent design as “creationist pseudoscience.”
- Tenure statistics were obtained showing that 91% of faculty who applied for tenure this year at ISU received it, refuting the university’s claim earlier in the week that its tenure standards are “so high, that many good researchers have failed to satisfy the demands of earning tenure” at ISU.
- Tenure standards for ISU's Department of Physics and Astronomy were released showing that outside research funding was not a stated criterion for tenure decisions in the department.
- ISU continues to pretend that nothing is wrong while ignoring the hostile work environment for Gonzalez.
Vox Populi episode 25- Dreams, future civilizations, shoddy arguments, and atheistic holidays.
Dear Friend,Hmmm... I suppose that Gonzalez has "the right to follow the evidence wherever it leads," even if that means walking off the edge of a cliff (an apt analogy for the scientific merits of Intelligent Design argumentation), but he doesn't have the right to do it while tenured to the State's teat unless the State says so.My longtime friend and colleague Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez needs your help. Please read the alert below and consider joining us in the fight for Guillermo's academic freedom.
Intelligent Design Scientist Denied Tenure at Iowa State University
Iowa State University has denied tenure to astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez, co-author of The Privileged Planet, which presents powerful scientific evidence for the intelligent design of the universe. You can read about the situation in the Ames Tribune here.
This is a very sad day for academic freedom. Dr. Gonzalez is a superb scholar and his research has been featured in Scientific American, Science, Nature, and many other science journals. In fact, his published work exceeds ISU's required publishing by 350%. Dr. Gonzales has an impressive list of achievements including:Iowa State's decision to deny him tenure is a travesty, and the university should be held to account for its action.
- authoring 68 peer-reviewed scientific articles;
- authoring a college-level astronomy textbook published by Cambridge University Press;
- spearheading research that led to the discovery of 2 new planets;
- building new technology to discover extrasolar planets;
- and asked to serve as a referee for a number of leading scientific publications.
How You Can Help
This is where you come in. There is something you can do to help Guillermo Gonzalez in his fight for academic freedom. The decision to deny his tenure is currently under appeal before the president of Iowa State University. You can call President Gregory L. Geoffroy at (515) 294-2042 or email him at president@iastate.edu and let him know that you support Guillermo Gonzalez and his right to follow the evidence wherever it leads.
Ironically, Dr. Gonzalez arrived in America as a child refugee from Castro's Cuba. Unfortunately, he seems to have discovered that the Darwinist ideologues in America's universities can be nearly as unforgiving as the Marxist ideologues of his home country.
-Jay Richards
Yes, you too can own a pound of lard which was not part of Jerry Falwell's body, but is just like his.
Up for auction is one pound of lard - exactly like the lard which composed Jerry Falwell. Place this tub of lard high on a shelf or on your mantle, should you need a tub of lard to look-up to. Place this lard on the back of a donkey or pig should you need a tub of lard to mindlessly follow.
The perfect keepsake with which to remember him.
Sam Harris comes off very strong in his books, and theists take alarm at the tone in his written word. I think you will see that in this live debate, Harris is composed, well-spoken, respectful to his fellow participants, and all around enjoyable. I daresay that Harris comes off "friendlier" than his opponent, Reza Aslan.
Just a quick note to let you know that the debate went wonderfully.
When I say "wonderfully," I have to qualify it. It was like an open air with an unreasonable and loud heckler. The "heckler" in this case wasn't just the two atheists we were there to debate, but the fifty atheists in the audience. As per ABC's stipulations, the audience was composed half-and-half -- fifty Christians and fifty atheists. The Christians were very quiet and polite -- the atheists weren't. It was very apparant [sic] who was who in the audience. It seemed that no matter what we said, it was completely ignored by Brian and Kelly (the atheists) and then followed up with their anger, mockery, and insults. But as with a good open air, the heckler is simply a platform to speak to the crowd who is listening. In this case there is a crowd of millions who will hear clear, concise evidence for the existance [sic] of God. How incredible. So I am delighted, because of what we were able to say.Below is the press release and the information you need to watch the debate Wednesday. Thanks for your prayers.God bless,
Ray Comfort
The June service of the North Texas Church of Freethought will examine instances and portrayals of freethought in the movies. But just how much have atheism and freethought been shown in this medium? Which movies can you name that show characters who are either without a god-belief or show themselves to be freethinkers? | ![]() |
The third and final part of Dr. Jonathan Miller's documentary about the history of disbelief.
The second part of Dr. Jonathan Miller's documentary about the history of disbelief.
Since my local PBS station (and most other stations, I gather) won't be showing Dr. Jonathan Miller's documentary about the history of disbelief, I'll post all three parts here at GTA for viewing over the weekend. Enjoy.
Austin Cline of About.com has written an excellent article exposing the myth that there exists an "atheist movement" which threatens society. Check it out.
The fact that several people share something in common while working for some cause does not entail that whatever they share in common is a belief system, a belief, or is functioning as a belief system. This is obviously true of characteristics which are irrelevant to whatever cause people are working for, like simply being human or having hair, but it's also true of characteristics which are somehow connected to the cause, like being female, being a cancer survivor, or being a business owner.
Airing the program gives credibility and cohesiveness to individuals who seek to undermine the beliefs and values on which democracy and the American dream are founded. One has to wonder why it is so important to them for everyone to understand their 'disbelief.' The program is not a dispassionate, positive voice - as they claim. Instead, it is clearly demagogic and propagandistic.
When I first read about this, I thought, 'Oh, they're attempting some sort of objective history of atheism. That might be interesting.' But when I actually watched it, I realized that it's really an evangelistic piece for atheism."If they really want to be objective, they need to have a three-part series documenting the evidence in favor of Christianity. If they present propaganda for Islam, if they present propaganda for atheism, I think it's only fair they present propaganda for Christianity, too.