On our recorded show, coming on our archives and on our FTM free downloads tomorrow evening, Ray Comfort officially concedes the famous Banana Argument to Hellbound Alleee !
Here is a transcript of the concession :
Alleee : I'm just saying that, that there are very few plants, and we argue - with some environmentalists a lot who don't believe in bioengineered food, because all, because most of the food that we eat of course is farmed, and is done through horticulture, and we've engineered these - these fruits and vegetables to be more tasty to us. So actually, the banana seems to be not, not made by God at this point, it's more like um... what, what came first, the banana or the hand ? [laugh] You know ? Man took the banana and made it better for man...
Ray Comfort : Okay, you've got that one. You can have the banana.
Listen to the whole show :
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I think I'll have one right now!
Just listened. Yeah, I stand by what I say. Ray Comfort is the second most incompetent apologist debator.
Oh, and Alleee! THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for asking him to explain his metaphor! He compares his revelation with God to touching his tongue to a 9-volt battery. He's used variations of that in the past (usually the heater bar analogy), and he never explains what that means. I didn't hear him answer it here, though.
Will Ray recant the banana argument on his own website now and put disclaimers on his videos that say that the banana argument is out-of-date?
I just wanted to drop a quick note about a new blog that has just opened up called... Out of Christianity. It is a community that is inviting anyone that is coming or has come Out of Christianity to share there story and engage in discussion of their journey.
We were once not only Christians, but youth pastors, evangelists, nuns, and music ministers, yet we've left the Christian faith.
In order to create a 'safe' environment that is free from the evangelism that we used to engage in ourselves, we're asking that Christians respect this forum as being off limits to try and 'save' those of us that have already been set free. It didn't take long for this request to be violated by the ambitious Christians who were out to rescue the backsliders :-), so we're moderating all comments.
You can read ‘Your Invitation’ to catch the vision of what our purpose is and read some of our stories.
Wow. Thank you, Allee, for waking me up from "the atheists' worst nightmare" [the banana].
If Kirk Cameron said it, and I believe it, that settles it. Hallelujah!
Good interview. I think Ray needs a an Atheist intervention. He might change his ways. He just needs to be given real information.
I don't think I would have had the patience you three showed btw.
Boy, he’s not so good at arguing. I can’t believe he brings up the archaic deistic arguments (which don’t even confirm the Christian god) and believes purely on emotion, you can find an undefined god. Clearly, Pascal’s Wager and the Argument from Design are ineffective. And congraulations on getting a Banana, Frank!
A transcript of the first half of the show is available here.
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Comfort still preaches the banana argument. I didn't realize it had been around for so long and just posted on it myself at http://theclayexperience.blogspot.com/2007/01/atheists-nightmare.html.
I especially love his, and Kirk's, take on evolution. They in fact claim to completely destroy it yet their arguments amount to I can't understand it so god must have done and that the fossil record has gaps. Oh yeah, and the out of contexts quotes. Didn't see those coming.
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