Internet Goosing the Antithesis

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Frank Walton: Consistent Part 2

Frank Walton was kind enough to respond to my questions. Let's see what he has to say:

But the question arises, should unrepentant atheists, upon their death, be cast into Hell forever?

Yes. But why should that matter to an atheist anyway? You almost make it sound like it's absolutely wrong.

What are Frank's thoughts on the Christian belief that atheists are doomed to Hell for all eternity?

Everybody deserves to go to hell, even Christians. The only difference is we have Jesus who justified us in the eyes of God.

So according to Frank, Christians don't deserve their "get out of Hell free" card. Frank, through his endorsement of the eternal torture of Christians, is implying that he does not agree with the concept of salvation. I wonder if Frank can confirm this, or help clear it up, because it certainly is confusing. After all, Frank is a Christian who believes that he will end up in Heaven... so why would he want this fate if the feels that he actually deserves eternal torture in Hell?

Does Frank believe that this is proper and just?


So Frank believes that eternal torture in Hell for both Christians and non-Christians is proper and just. I daresay that this is quite a bit more evil and maniacal than the allegation that the Rational Response Squad wants Christians to "drop dead."

Does Frank want atheists to be cast into Hell when they die? Why or why not?

No, I don't want that. Thank you for asking! You've just given me the opportunity to repudiate your premise.

But wait a second! Just a moment ago, Frank said that he believes that everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike deserve eternal torture in Hell! But now he says that he doesn't want atheists to end up there.

So Frank thinks that atheists should not get what he believes they properly and justly deserve? Maybe I'm just a stupid atheist, but this makes absolutely no sense to me. Let's see what else Frank has to say:

Indeed I would still be consistent in that I want people to live a meaningful life and NOT go to hell. I hope and pray that they would become Christians.

But what does that matter anyway? According to Frank, Christians and atheist both deserve eternal torture in Hell. Yet, Frank also indicates that he doesn't want either Christians or atheists to receive the torture in Hell that they so properly and justly deserve.

Is Frank rebelling against God's plan? I doubt that Frank would admit that! So how does Frank justify his contention that he thinks that nobody should receive what they rightly deserve?

Indeed, it's so unintelligible...

It sure is, Frank. It sure is.

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At 1/11/2007 3:05 PM, Blogger The Debates of Frank Walton declaimed...

But let me tell you, behind Non-Christian backs they snicker and delight in those that they believe will go to hell. It is quite evident in the fact that as a chosen "Ministry" Frank Walton has done absolutely zero to "win a soul" He won't even outline his theology, he just gets his kicks from being an ass, and we all know he can't spell or even put together a string of words that makes sense. He’s just a rich gay kid from Beverly Hills.
Wise up son.

At 1/11/2007 5:24 PM, Blogger Zachary Moore declaimed...

Although for some reason Frank continues to labor under the misapprehension that the eternal torture of Hell is somehow moral, I'm grateful at least that he can recognize that limited torture is immoral.

At 1/11/2007 6:05 PM, Blogger Aaron Kinney declaimed...

Both of you guys just ZINGED him! Bravo!

Id love Frank Walton to address the problems posed in this blog post, just the same. I pray and pray that he will do so.

At 1/11/2007 8:16 PM, Blogger Frank Walton declaimed...


So according to Frank, Christians don't deserve their "get out of Hell free" card.

No, they don't.

Frank, through his endorsement of the eternal torture of Christians, is implying that he does not agree with the concept of salvation.

Where did I say that? I totally agree with the Biblical concept of salvation, we just don't deserve it. God sent His son to die for us. He was never obligated to be merciful to us.

I wonder if Frank can confirm this, or help clear it up, because it certainly is confusing.

Coming from you, Kinneypoo. I can see why.

After all, Frank is a Christian who believes that he will end up in Heaven... so why would he want this fate if the feels that he actually deserves eternal torture in Hell?

Because God saved me.

So Frank believes that eternal torture in Hell for both Christians and non-Christians is proper and just.


I daresay that this is quite a bit more evil and maniacal than the allegation that the Rational Response Squad wants Christians to "drop dead.

It's more evil and maniacal? First off, you don't even have any serious justification for what consitutes as something "evil" or "maniacal", because athesim cannot justify morality. Anyway, you (and RRS) don't even believe a hell exists! But they do want to get rid of me. *SHRUGS* But have it your way.

But wait a second! Just a moment ago, Frank said that he believes that everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike deserve eternal torture in Hell! But now he says that he doesn't want atheists to end up there.

Yes, I don't want them to be there. Although they deserve it. I hope God grants them mercy.

So Frank thinks that atheists should not get what he believes they properly and justly deserve?


Maybe I'm just a stupid atheist...


... but this makes absolutely no sense to me.

*SIGH* God granted us mercy through Jesus Christ. We deserve hell becase we're sinners. But God declared us "righteous" through Jesus. "He paid for our debt" sort of speak. I figured that you as an ex-Christian ought to get your theology straight.

But what does that matter anyway?

Why would what matters to me matter to you? And why am I not surprised you totally skipped what I said here:

On the other hand, RRS want to get rid of me, knowing that it wouldn't matter anyway since, as atheist William Provine says, according to a non-Christian Darwinian worldview, "There are no gods, no purposes, and no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That's the end of me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no free will for humans, either. What an unintelligible idea."

But you skipped this because you knew that if you had no justificational grounds for calling something "immoral" it would render your case here irrelevant.

According to Frank, Christians and atheist both deserve eternal torture in Hell.


Yet, Frank also indicates that he doesn't want either Christians or atheists to receive the torture in Hell that they so properly and justly deserve.


Is Frank rebelling against God's plan?


I doubt that Frank would admit that!

*SHRUGS* Because I'm not.

So how does Frank justify his contention that he thinks that nobody should receive what they rightly deserve?

Again, because God granted us mercy.

Indeed, it's so unintelligible...

Well, you said that you may be a "stupid atheist."

Thanks again, and next time, try dealing with the moral implications of an atheist worldview. That way, you can stop pretending to appalled by what I believe.



At 1/11/2007 8:44 PM, Blogger Frank Walton declaimed...

"the debates of frank walton" is actually Ted Bell, Aaron. He's prone on calling me "nigger" and "fag." I'll be sure to let my readers know that you endorse his lies. That's a zinger!

At 1/12/2007 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

He thinks you deserve going to hell, but he would rather you accept Jesus' grace and go to Heaven.

It's kind of warped, but whatever.

And sincere Christians don't snicker about people going to hell. That's a lie. I hate it when Christians lie about atheists, and I also don't like when atheists lie about Christians. Be fair. They live in fear of it. It's sad. They're not evil. They are held in fear by a horribly warped religion. Been there.

Atheist now, fundie then,

At 1/12/2007 6:35 AM, Blogger Hellbound Alleee declaimed...

Christians who are "true christians," (ugh) don't want anyone to go to hell. But why not?

Their creator is perfect.

Everything their creator does is perfect.

The decision the creator made to create hell is perfect.

Suffering in hell is perfect.

So people going to hell is perfect. So why do they want people who deserve hell to avoid it? (We all deserve hell.) If their perfect god perfectly deems it so, there should be no problem.

The way I see it, the crocodile tears shed by these "true christians" must be sinful. I guess then that's why christians can be "church happy" (quote by Rod and Todd Flanders) while billions, many of whom they loved, suffer torture. Because it's a sin to not love suffering and torture, as it is a perfect part of God's perfect, sinister plan.

I still don't understand why people can't see this whole thing as a cult where the leader is totally corrupt and evil.

At 1/12/2007 1:39 PM, Blogger Ken McDonagh declaimed...

The right kind, jack ass. Do you even know what "prone" means? I guess, you're just prone on being an idiot, too.

At 1/12/2007 9:03 PM, Blogger Frank Walton declaimed...

Ted Bell (aka Mark Corte),

You forgot to put a question mark at the end of "how about your mom." *SIGH* People.

hellbound allee,

Their creator is perfect.

Everything their creator does is perfect.

The decision the creator made to create hell is perfect.

Suffering in hell is perfect.

Jeepers, Allee, did you forget God's perfect plan for sending His son to die for us? *YET ANOTHER SIGH* People!


At 1/14/2007 7:21 AM, Blogger Aaron Kinney declaimed...

Wow, Frank! You laid it down better than I ever could have. Thank you for being honest about your worldview! :)

At 1/14/2007 7:42 PM, Blogger breakerslion declaimed...

Yes yes, the god allowed his misbegotten son to be tried and convicted of stealing grain on the sabbath, and put to death so that we could get this blanket dispensation that doesn't stop THE CHURCH from coming up with all sorts of other rules and dispensations to extort money.

If a god impregnates a woman, is that the equivalent of beastiality?

If there really was a hell, I would willingly go there rather than belong to a group that must worship such a screwed-up psychopath of a god. He can judge me but I can't judge Him you say? Fuck you. I would lift up mine middle finger unto the hills if there were any there to receive such blessing except for the dried-up, morally bankrupt, control-freak priest class. Learn who your true masters are Frank Walton, you sad little "good shepherd" wanna-be. They will never share true power with you, because you have nothing that they want.

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