Creationism Is Embarrassing
I've been in the Creation Museum, and while I can see how its arguments can be persuasive as one walks past dinosaur steeds and life-size replicas of the Garden of Eden (especially if one happens to believe in those in the first place), they tend to die a withering death when confronted by reality.
From the Answers In Genesis website:
HELP!It is distressing to me when I buy Creationist materials, learn something, post it in a forum, only to be told, what I have been told is not true.Here is an example of someone "correcting" a statement made by a Creationist in a forum, saying that mutations DO add beneficial information to an organism. He refers to a specific experiment I have no knowledge of.:“We have observed mutation adding information to a genome. We have observed mutation adding useful information to a genome. A clonal culture of bacteria was grown over 1000 generations, and monitored throughout. It turns out, the bacteria’s DNA mutated, and the variation was then acted upon by natural selection. Even though the bacteria started out as clonal (no variation), it developed variation in its phenotype, and then responded to natural selection.”My son wrote a paper using information from Mike Riddle, yet his geology teacher said it was full of “inaccuracies.” I was very embarrassed.Need help refuting.—D.K., U.S.
Notice that the objective of this individual is not to learn what the truth of the matter is. He learned some arguments, passed them on to his son, and they both were embarrassed when they were told how awfully ignorant they were about the actual facts. Rather than celebrate the opportunity to learn something new, he goes right back to the original, inaccurate source for more strategies to help him "refute" those who pointed out his abject ignorance. This is not a person who understands or appreciates education, only indoctrination.
In response, he receives the AIG party line:
...historical science is heavily dependent on presuppositions, since what is being examined took place in the unobservable past. Did God create the universe and everything in it in six literal days as written in the book of Genesis, or did the universe start with a big bang followed by billions of years of evolution to bring about living things? The former is based on the Word of God as truth; the latter is based on man’s ideas as truth.
In other words, "if you disagree with us, then you disagree with God." What Christian wants to be put in that position? Even the threat of embarrassment by people who actually know the science isn't enough to dissuade them from perpetuating their ignorance.