Internet Goosing the Antithesis

Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Fun With Discounts

You might reacall that I personally investigated the claim that a Dallas-area Mexican buffet was offering discounts to people who brought in a church bulletin. It turned out that any bulletin would suffice, even one from the North Texas Church of Freethought.

Just today, I happened to visit the Flower Mound Culver's restaurant, and saw that they were offering a similar deal: 10% off with a church bulletin. Culver's is a Wisconsin-based chain, most prevalent in the Midwest, but has recently opened a few stores in Texas. They're famous for their hamburgers and frozen custard (a delicious variation of ice cream)- I'm thinking that this will be another discount offer I'll be all too happy to test next week after the NTCOF August service.

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At 7/30/2007 11:38 AM, Blogger Unknown declaimed...

There are few meals more delicious than a double butterburger with a chocolate frozen custard for dessert.

Man, I need to go to Culvers for dinner soon. Unclogged arteries be damned!

At 8/13/2007 10:45 AM, Blogger Zachary Moore declaimed...

Just to let you know, Culver's honored the NTCOF bulletin. Fewer victories have tasted as sweet.


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