Ann Coulter is right on one thing
Ann Coulter is a stupid bitch who is usually wrong about every damn thing. But I do agree with her on one point: liberalism (meaning here the "American" kind, not the "Canadian" or "European" kind) is a secular religion. Its god is the state, its goal is undermining moral autonomy, its priesthood is composed of its political, unionist, corporate, intellectual and artistic exploiters, and its dogma is a set of sub-religions (the welfare state, Greenie beliefs, relativism and utilitarianism, cultural supremacism).
Flame away, O my brothers...
(I also believe that conservatism is a religion, but since only a few whackos are both atheist and conservative, I don't think there's a need for me to explain that one)
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There's very little difference in my mind between one group who wants to replace God with the State, and the other who wants to make God into the State.
But I do find her sophomoric attempts to perjoratively use the terms "atheism" and "evolution" amusing. Mostly because she doesn't know the first thing about either.
"What the difference between Canadian and American liberalism?"
"Canadian" liberalism is somewhat closer to the "European" kind than the "American" kind.
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