Opposite Day
In the spirit of the God or Not Carnival and the concept of Opposite Days, I am writing this entry as a Christian. Here goes.
Ooooooh shit. I'm at the mercy of an omnipotent asshole.
What's the meaning of life ?
There's no more meaning to life. I'm a cog in a divine plan I can't possibly understand.
How do I know God isn't putting these thoughts in my head ?
How do I know ANYTHING ?
But the Bible says... wait, how do I know the Bible is true ? God could be making me believe that it's true when it's not. How do I know that I'm alive ? Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghh...
*Grabs a conveniently-placed handgun and shoots his head off*
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I really don’t think fundies actually ponder such elaborate problems. They just accept the bible and run their life because it says so.
It's pretty easy to avoid if you turn your brain off.
True, I was being myself, not a braindead Christian. Being a braindead Christian would be myopicm, intolerent and irrational, but not suicidal.
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