Polls ! Polls ! Polls !
"Poll: Elbow Room No Problem in Heaven"
Vast majorities of Americans believe in heaven and think they're headed there. But elbow room won't be a problem: About eight in 10 believers envision heaven as a place where people exist only spiritually, not physically.
Who gets in is another matter. Among people who believe in heaven, one in four thinks access is limited to Christians. More than a third of Protestants feel that way, and this view peaks at 55 percent among Protestants who describe themselves as very religious.
Among all adults, 79 percent are Christians, 14 percent have no religion, and the rest, 5 percent, are non-Christians. Among Christian groups, Catholics account for 21 percent of adults; evangelical Protestants, 19 percent; and non-evangelical Protestants, 13 percent.
Poll says U.S. majority believes in God
The Harris poll of 889 adults found 82 percent believe in God, 73 percent believe in miracles and 70 percent believe there is life after death, the Washington Times reported.
In addition, 70 percent said heaven exists and 70 percent also cited Jesus as the son of God.
Six out of 10 said there is a devil and hell exists as well, the poll revealed.
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I get depressed whenever I see poll results like these. 82% of Americans believe in superstitious nonsense! So sad. Of course, I can't help but wonder how many have ever given their beliefs any thought and how many just say they believe because they don't know any different.
ONLY 82%? Wow thats actually good news. That means that technically 18% of America is atheistic, regardless of whether or not they think of themselves as one. Thats alot higher than I previously thought.
Bleedingissac, Franc was an objectivist back in the day but is not now. Why are you so concerned about it?
Okay, since Franc hasnt answered your questions and you keep asking them, and since Im curious as to what youre getting at, I think I will try to answer on Franc's behalf.
Of course, these are only provisional answers that can be overruled by Franc at any time, since the answers are about him.
1) yes
2) none
Aaron : I trust that you know me enough to answer these morons appropriately, if that's what you want. ;)
what would be interesting is to see how the percentages have changed in the past 50 or so years. Also, I've seen an article on a similar poll that says that while approximately 14% of the general population has "no religion", it goes down to under 10% for those over 65 and up to around 25% for those under 25.
Blah blah blah Isaac.
Franc doesnt want to answer you because he doesnt want to give you any satisfaction with a response.
I DO want to answer you because I want you to stop with this broken record baby bullshit. My answering you is an attempt to shut you up.
And if you havent noticed, the rest of the atheist community has moved on from this spat thats been going on. So why dont you catch up to today and drop it?
Finally, the answers I gave you were correct.
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AK: "Finally, the answers I gave you were correct"
BI: "2) If you were an objectivist, it seems that you are no longer. What "major points" of objectivism do you disagree with now?"
AK: Kinney for Tremblay answers, "2) none."
FT: Francois said, "I don't need to adhere to a system [i.e. Objectivism] that I don't agree with on major points."
AK: "Finally, the answers I gave you were correct."
AK: "Finally, the answers I gave you were correct."
AK: "Finally, the answers I gave you were correct."
AK: "Finally, the answers I gave you were correct."
I know I'm a dumb theist, but I still can't figure this out. It seems to me that there are some inconsistencies within the "atheistic community." Maybe you guys can settle this and come to terms so that the world will know that you are unified.
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